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Élvio Castanho
Yes, that's what's missing from this topic so that we can take advantage of 100% of the rental's potential. I hope it doesn't take another two years to implement this great suggestion, considering it's the opinion with the most requests.

José Élvio Andrade
I think this evolution in travelerwp, in the Rentals field, is very important, since most properties have a base value on the house, for example: for 2 guests €120 and for each extra guest adds €20 up to the limit of the house.
-Regarding your answer mentioned below by your team:
"At this time, rentals support only price-by-date (for the entire property). The customer rents the entire rental - not part of it. Therefore, the price-by-date (for the entire property) is compatible with most of the need "*****
Customers will continue to rent the entire rental, which is at stake, with more guests, there are more expenses, such as bed linen, towels, more dirt, dishes to wash, consumption of detergents, etc...
Taking these expenses into account, based on the number of guests, it would be fair for both the owner and the guest. example:
Booking like this TravelerWP
House for 6 guests:
-reserve value for the entire property: 170€/day (average value for renting the house, whether 1 guest or 6 guests)
-reservation 2 guests
-guest would pay for 5 days (5x170=850€)
Booking price based on the number of guests:
-base value of the house 120€ (for 2 guests)
-extra guests 20€
-guest would pay for 5 days (5x120=600€)
(3 guests 700€, ... , 6 guests 1000€)
Conclusion of the example: with a base value for housing + extra guests, the owner would earn more if there were more guests (+5), reflecting that it would also be fairer for the guests themselves, who paid less in the situation of fewer people.
***** Responding to your previously mentioned Conclusion by your team:
"So the price by date (for the entire property) is compatible with most of the need"
- even if you change it to Base Value Housing + Extras Additional Guests, it will also be compatible with them. They just put the value of the house.
Concluded: it would be of great evolution for the whole TrevelerWP community since it will be good for all needs.

Branko Danilov
Something as "Tour discount by adult number" will do the job.
Example, for property with max 6 people:
* 1-2 adults - 30% discount on main price
* 3-5 adults - 10% discount on main price
* 6 adults - 0% discount on main price

Harry Hoang
Branko Danilov:
We appreciate your good ideas, which we believe may help a lot for Traveler theme. Could you give more screenshot or example URL?
The Traveler team will look into it. If matches the development plans, we will update it
At this moment, rental support only price per date(for whole property). The customer rent the whole rental - not the part of it. Therefore, price per date (for whole property) is match most of the need
Regarding price per person, you can consider Hotel(Room)
Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information
Thank You and Best Regards!

Branko Danilov
Harry Hoang: Thank you for your feedback.
Property rentals are not Hotels, so partners will not add their property as hotel.
Is not true that main price per days meet al the needs of the hosts. Yes, most of them rent a whole property, but also at least half of them have at least few prices based of the number of guests.
I'm sure that most of your (and our) customers will find this option (mentioned above) very useful.

Harry Hoang
Branko Danilov: Hi,
We appreciate your good ideas, which we believe may help a lot for Traveler theme.
The Traveler team will look into it. If matches the development plans, we will update it
Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information
Thank You and Best Regards!

Branko Danilov
Harry Hoang: Harry Hoang: HI,
It should be relatively easy to replicate "Discount by number of days" (already implemented in rental) and connect it with
Best regards

Harry Hoang
Branko Danilov: Hello,
Rental's price is for whole property, not per person.
Therefore, bringing "Discount by number of adults" does not help in this case. Rental's price does not count on a person so it is meaningless for the discount on the number of guests.
It back to the root of your request, price per person for rental
Hope you understand
Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information
Thank You and Best Regards!

Branko Danilov
Harry Hoang: HI,
I did not said that property main price should be per person.
But, number of guests DO AFFECT the price in MANY properties and many hosts will ask for it.
just a quick sample from, same property same date
4 adults:
3 adults:
2 adults:
My suggestion "Discount by number of adults" is the easiest solution (to implement) that will do the job. If you have better idea/solution, feel free to include it in the theme :)
But, if you find this suggestion MEANINGLES, I better stop wasting my time here.
best regards

Harry Hoang
Branko Danilov: Hello!
We appreciate your good ideas, which we believe may help a lot with Traveler.
Our development team will look into it. If match our plans, we will update it.
Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information
Thank You and Best Regards!

Vincenzo Annese
Harry Hoang: It would be important and correct to make the theme functional to allow the functionality mentioned by Branko Danilov, I and other agencies look for themes that do just that as well as the best reservation managers do it (Booking, AirBNB etc...), When you manage properties of a certain value and with a good number of beds you need to set a minimum price up to a certain number of people and then be able to add an extra price if that number of people is exceeded
Example: price of 300 per night for the 12-bed property if you are from 1 to 6 people and add an extra guest price for each person added from 7 onwards. Only in this way can the theme be used to replace booking management such as or airbnb